You STILL do not need to be a designer to be a researcher.
There may be a detriment to being both a visual designer and researcher. I do guarantee, though, that you need to know the limits of what you present, as well as your limitation. In communicating with visual designers, you need to understand that they have a perspective that is sometimes outside of logic. Please keep in mind that the liking of art and the leaning towards certain visual elements is not linear. Things a person can consider when looking at something:
- What it looks like. This simply means this object. Not the entire scenery.
- Colors. Sometimes regardless of liking a visual element, if a color does not align with what [I] perceive as proper, it can make the whole idea fail.
- The adequacy of colors is subjective to feelings, emotions, experiences, etc.
- The environment. Some people may ask why I would include a professionally styled individual image on the shore of the beach.
- The whole story. Do you know it? Do I know it? Who exactly knows it?
- Do we want to change the story at all?
I can go on. My background includes human factors psychology. This turns into me having a very disecting eye for just about anything that exists in material form. Beyond material form, it includes anything in the “form of possibility.”
And so, as I have previously stated and will continue to defend. Designers and Researchers SHOULD work together as a team! My previous post was not about design being bad! In absolutely no way. It was about the fact that many designers do not understand, as some researchers may not understand, why results are exemplary when they work on THE SAME CONTEXT with DIFFERENT CONTENT!
My previous post may have been somewhat subjective and defensive. Unfortunately, experience has been difficult and shown me that designers do not want to see their work tampered with. I believe researchers need to respect design, but the design also needs to respect the science behind research. No one is free to cross lines here. This does not mean they should not be fluent in each others’ languages, though. That compatibility will give room for great results.